Monday 11 July 2016

Day 22 - 4 June 2016 Bridge Camp to Mvuu Lodge, Lower Zambezi National Park

Day's trip schedule

Bridge Camp -> Chongwe -> Lusaka -> Kafue -> Chirundu -> Chiawa -> Mvuu Lodge

Distance & time taken

420 km
8 hrs


Mvuu Lodge, Lower Zambezi (
+/-40km from Chirundu on the dirt road leading to Lower Zambezi National Park

 Trip Notes

Day 2 of the long haul to get us through to the Lower Zambezi National Park.  A good hot shower followed by a strong coffee & a light breakfast, we were on the road before 08h00.  As we had to travel through Lusaka, I didn't want to leave departure too late & get caught up in traffic although it is a Saturday.

We stopped at the Customs checkpoint at Luangwa bridge & then also bought a few baskets from the roadside market.  Arrived in Lusaka just before 11 & stopped at Shoprite in Manda Hill to buy a few things (to be read as beers) for our stay in Lower Zambezi.  The store was well stocked but we were disappointed that we couldn't butane canisters for our Bush Baby stove so we would have to rely on the Cadac for a few days.  On the way out of Lusaka, we refueled at Engen - we should have enough diesel to get through to Katimo Mulilo in a few days time.  

The road is slow down to Kafue including a speed trap but we were caught behind a truck in 80kph zone so were not at risk.  The road from Kafue to Chirundu proved quite interesting (scary) in that there were many trucks travelling in both directions & the last 30kms were under repair (Chinese managed) with a number of Stop / Go's & 2 offroad sections.  We got to Chirundu around 14h00 & then headed east along the border towards Lower Zambezi.  

Just before Chirundu, the fuel filter light came on.  Ang read up on it & we decided the replacement thereof would have to wait until we get to Mvuu Lodge.  This filter lasted about 2000kms less the one 2 years prior which needed replacing in Harrismith in the Free State indicating diesel quality in Zambia is somewhat poor.

There are a number of large commercial farms along this stretch as well as a reasonably new bridge over the Kafue River.  The dirt road was in need of some repair & we spent most of the trip driving on the shoulder as the dirt road surface itself was too corrugated.  For the last half hour (15kms), you drive through the Game Management Area that lies adjacent to the Park & opposite Mana Pools on the other side of the river.  We saw a number of elephant as well as impala & warthog on this section.

View up the Zambezi from our campsite at Mvuu Lodge

We arrived at Mvuu Lodge just after 16h00 & enquired after camping availability.  The Manager-on-Duty wasn't the most welcoming fellow & it appeared that it was a big effort to confirm that we could stay for 2 nights.  We selected our site (Mvuu site) with views 180 degree views over the Zambezi. Ang then went to complete all the requisite documentation.  This was by far the most expensive camping ($28pppn) we have experienced but I guess supply versus demand.  We enquired regarding the possibility of a 3rd night but were told they had bookings for this site & hence we would have to move to one of the back sites away from the river.  This is when we decided 2 nights it would be.

Mvuu Lodge is about 20kms from the park entrance but being next to the river & in the GMA, there is a lot of wildlife around including elephant & hippo.  The campsite has 2 river front sites & the other 5 are set towards the back of the lodge.  Each site has its own ablution facility with the stars & moon as your roof - could prove to be a challenge in the rainy season but suited us just fine.  There are also a number of luxury tents on offer but at $56 for camping, I would hate to know the cost of the more formal options.  We braaied at the designated braai area below our campsite& close to the river.

Costs for the day

Accommodation Mvuu Lodge
Diesel Engen Lusaka

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