Wednesday 13 July 2016

Day 27 - 9 June Ngepi Camp

Day's trip schedule

Ngepi Camp

Distance & time taken

0 km
0 hrs


Ngepi Camp, Divundu (
+/- 20 kms from Divundu on the C48 (7kms on a dirt road once you have turned left off the C48)

 Trip Notes

Room with a view
It was quite brisk this morning when we got up - shortly after 05h00 (NST). There was a cool breeze with the river covered in mist. I decided to make use of the room with a view this morning. It was a bit nerve wracking as the structure sways with every movement & this is besides the fact that I also suffer from vertigo. Anyhow, couldn't let the opportunity slip by.

While we had coffee, we watched as our neighbours arose from their alcohol induced slumbers very remorseful & apologising for the previous evening's comments. This didn't stop the one couple from leaving which they did after a quick breakfast. I went for my bird walk through the small forest en route to Reception & amongst others, observed the Green Wood-Hoepoe, Swamp Boubou & African Grey Hornbill.

I went for a shower when I got back & Ang made breakfast. Whilst she showered, I did the washing & repacked the cooking equipment.  We read & relaxed on the riverbank during the balance of the morning. I also unpacked my fly rod & tested it out. Shortly after lunch, we headed back up to Reception as we had booked a Tiger fishing excursion.

Huddle, it's a bit cool this morning

We departed from the camp jetty at 15h00 & headed up the river towards Popa Falls. There were many hippo in the river that we had to avoid & a number of elephant on the banks. The birdlife was also abundant on this stretch. The guide (Nebi) set me up with the lodge fishing rod that allowed me to trawl the line behind the boat as we headed upstream. I would be able to use the fly rod once we stopped & he had identified a few places that might be suitable.

Small but a good fight
It wasn't too long & I had a tiger take the hook.  It put up a strong fight but as I pulled it up to the boat, the hook dislodged & he was gone in a flash.  Nebi then changed the lure for the next stretch. We stopped & tried some fly fishing but no nibbles even though I changed the flies a few times. Nebi then headed back up again & this time I had a successful landing but unfortunately, the Tiger didn't survive as I had foul hooked it through its mouth.  There were a few more hits before we had to head back but no successful takes.

We got back to camp in the dark again. I settled the bill as we were going to leave early - next stop was Windhoek which would take us the whole of the following day. We braaied the last of our fillet on the banks of the river before packing for an early departure.

Costs for the day

Ngepi Camp
Ngepi Camp

Hoping for the last bite

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