Wednesday 20 July 2016

Day 30 - 12 June 2016 Fiddlers Creek

Day's trip schedule

Fiddlers Creek

Distance & time taken

0 km
0 hrs


Fiddlers Creek Campsite, Vioolsdrift (
+/- 8 kms from Vioolsdrif border post on the gravel road parallel with river

 Trip Notes

View across of farmhouse in Namibia

Campsite #4

We were awake pretty early (05h30) as a result of the noise our neighbours made packing up to head north to Angola.  One could forgive the noises of breaking camp & packing the vehicle but the incessant talking gets irritating.  As we had nowhere to go today, we just chilled in bed until they had departed & the dawn was about to break.  All in, it took them just under 2 hours to break camp, have breakfast, pack & clean up.

I got up a little after 07h30 & made coffee.  Whilst the kettle was boiling, I took a stroll around the campsite armed with my camera & binoculars - Ang was still resting. The sky was quite cloudy this morning but this soon cleared as the day warmed up.  The Orange River White-Eyes were all over the bushes & trees across the campsite & there was a lonesome Swallow-Tailed Bee-Easter swooping around the Beefwood trees in the back of the campsite.

Orange River White-Eye
Swallow-Tailed Bee-Eater
The campsite appears to be targeting the overland truck campers as there are number of large stands at the back of the campsite whilst for us bakkie overlanders, there are only 4 dedicated sites but the advantage is that they are all river facing.  Each site is laid out with a thatched kitchen & dedicated braai area as well as a electricity point. The ablutions are centrally located catering for all the campers which could prove challenging with a few trucks overnighting as there are only 5 showers & 5 toilets for each gender.

 The bar with attached restaurant is located to the side of the camping area which should have low impact on campers at night & overlooks the river & Namibia. This must have taken years to develop as there is plenty of memorabilia that has been collected over the years. Unfortunately, there was no activity here as besides Ang & myself, there was only 1 other couple (Johnny & his wife from Port Nolloth) camping but they left during the course of the day.

Bar overlooking the river

Johnny came over & had a chat with us before they departed.  He originally farmed in the Waterberg area before relocating to Port Nolloth when his farm was bought during the land redistribution process a few years ago.  They now operate a guesthouse in Port Nolloth & also take visitors around the Richtersveld & the greater area during flower season. He advised us to travel back through a portion of the Richtersveld rather than head straight south on the N7. It would take us a bit longer but the views are spectacular & it would be the last bit of serious off-roading for a while.

Fortunately for the stool or I would have to do the washing
They left shortly after lunch & we then took it easy for the rest of the day - reading, sleeping, etc. The chill in the air also had a part in slowing us down as it was by far the coolest day we had experienced since we left Cape Town a month ago. We were faced with mixed feelings on this last night of our holiday - happy to be heading home but sad that we would slip back into a normal routine again when we had unpacked. It is now time to start planning our next trip - possibly western Botswana & northern Namibia in October.

We braaied in the evening & had the entire campsite to ourselves. It was eerliy quite with the exception of the water sounds & the road noises from the Namibian side - there is a road running parallel with the river leading away from the border towards Ais Ais which was busy with both cars & trucks all night - yet another weekend over & everybody getting back to the normal working week.

Costs for the day

Accommodation Fiddlers Creek

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