Friday 8 July 2016

Day 6 - 19 May 2016 Kasane

Day's trip schedule

Kazungula -> Kasane

Distance & time taken

7 km
10 mins


Thebe River Safaris Camping (
in Kasane

Trip Notes

Guess he also had a sore throat

Awoke this morning with the throat feeling better.  Ang has been holding up well with no ill effects from the change in climate, long drive, dust, etc.  Today we decided we would have a rest day so we packed up after a nice hot shower & good breakfast of bacon & eggs.  We checked with Kubu Lodge around further availability tonight but they indicated that they were fully booked.  We worked out afterwards that there are standing bookings by some of the tour companies (they may or may not arrive) & this therefore eliminates drop-ins.

Catching up with the world
We headed back to Kasane & tried Thebe Safaris again - they had availability this time & offered us campsite #6 which could comfortably hold 5 vehicles.  The campsite also had a sizeable lapa attached with a washing up area.  We also booked a river cruise with them for 15h00 whilst we were checking in.  Once we had set up camp, we then did our clothes washing so that we could get into the rhythm - also made packing in the back easier without all these extra bags with washing.

After completing the chores, we headed to the pub located behind the lodge.  They offered free wifi which allowed us to catch up on emails, instagram, etc.  Ang also managed to agree a new contract with Woolies for the 2nd half of the year - finer details would be sorted on our return to Cape Town.  We consumed a few St Louis' beers before heading back to the campsite to prepare ourselves for the afternoon cruise.

Thebe Safaris pub

We left Thebe just after 14h30 & headed to the launch area where we boarded a boat with seats on either side through to the back.  I sat in front with Ang behind me - we had a few beers with us for the trip.  Opposite us was a father & son team of bikers from East London.  Rod (father) is from Kei Mouth outside EL & his son resides in London (out on holiday to spend time with his father).  They were also heading through Zambia to Malawi & then back to SA via Mozambique

Ang enjoying the cruise on the Chobe

Cruise lasted for 3 hours & finished as the sun set over the Chobe River.  We managed to see numerous elephant on the waters edge as well as in the canals eating the hyacinth.  Also got to see buffalo, kudu & hippo along with a number of birds.  New birds seen on the cruise were:

  • Squacco Heron
  • Red-billed Teal
  • Emerald-spotted Wood Dove
  • Arrow-marked Babbler
  • White-browed Robin-chat

Bit thirsty - time for a beer

Got back to camp in the dark - it was also quite chilly on the ride in the landrover.  Ang made us a lekker Spanish Rice with Chorizo for dinner which didn't touch sides which we washed down with a few Tafels.  After dinner, we sat around a campfire to try to get our body temperature back up before heading off to bed.

End of another awesome day in Africa

Costs for the day

Accommodation Thebe River Safaris
Boat cruise Thebe River Safaris

Chobe Game Reserve - view from the Chobe river

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