Friday 8 July 2016

Day 3 - 16 May 2016 Khama Rhino Sanctuary

Day's trip schedule

Game drive morning & evening within Khama Rhino Sanctuary


62 km


Khama Rhino Sanctuary (
+/-25kms north of Serowe on the A14 road to Lethlakanye

Trip Notes

Ang relaxing after breakfast
Although today was to be spent driving around the sanctuary viewing the wildlife, we weren't in any rush to get going.  I was up just after 6 having had a decent nights rest after 2 long days of driving & got the kettle going on the gas for our first morning of coffee & rusks.  While the water was boiling, it gave me some time to look around the campsite & get a view of the lie of the land during daylight.  The campsite (#4) was well laid out with only a short walk to the ablutions - unfortunately, campers staying on campsites 1 through 3 had to pass right next to us en route to the ablutions but as this was low season, there was 1 group staying on #2 last night & they went to shower reasonably early in the evening.  I would probably choose site #5 for a future visit to Khama Rhino.

This campsite could cater for 3 to 4 vehicles comfortably with shade provided by 2 large trees.  There was also a reasonable degree of privacy as the other sites were some distance away screened off by bushes & trees.  The birdlife in the morning was abundant with Cape Turtle Doves, Green Wood Hoopoes, Burchell's Starlings & Swainson's Spurfowl visiting during our morning coffee break.

Male giraffe jousting with their necks - this went
on for at least 15 minutes
We left just after 7 to investigate the central areas of the park, a few waterholes & the birdhide.  The weather turned as we were heading out & although the sun shore, the temperature dropped significantly.  As such, the animal sightings were a little slim.  Managed to see a Rhino cow with her calf on the way back to camp but she was very protective of the youngster & vanished into the thickets soon after she saw us rumbling along the road.  We headed back to the campsite just after 10, made a hearty breakfast & then unpacked & repacked the vehicle for convenience now that we were on the road.  As it started warming up a bit, I unpacked the solar system to keep the batteries fully charged as there was no electricity here even though a big transformer hummed about 50m away from us (it keeps the showers hot).

Female rhino with her calf at the Malema Pan

After an afternoon rest, much needed after the 2 day long haul up from Cape Town, we took another drive in the afternoon & spotted more rhino as well as black backed jackal.  We went further north during this drive & spotted many birds, some giraffe, zebra & wildebeest. There was a female rhino & her calf at the Malema  Pan having a late afternoon drink which we happened upon as we were heading back to camp. We hung around for a while watching them drinking - the youngster was playing around chasing its shadow more than it was drinking.  We eventually left them for the evening just before sundown & headed back to camp where Ang made a roast chicken & couscous meal.  The change of environment impacted us & we were out before 21h00 - too much fresh air to be read as no noise or air pollution as well as no television.

Costs for the day

Accommodation Khama Rhino Sanctuary

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